Takisha Artis

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What’s a Money Block?

What's a money block? A money block is a belief, thought pattern, or story that STOPS you from being able to make, save, spend, or manage money. An obstacle that prevents you from enjoying a positive relationship with money. It often shows up as lost money, procrastination, and self-sabotage.

I used to say that you aren't taught how to handle money. But I now realize that's not true, you're taught, just not wealth-building habits or beliefs. Most of you have inherited scarcity-minded habits, passed down limiting beliefs about money, and generational poor spending habits. 

You see, most of your experiences when it comes to money are borrowed. You've picked up phrases from your parents, expectations on what wealth is from society, and how a wealthy woman or man looks or interacts with your culture. 

But that doesn't help you stop spending on things that help you live the lifestyle you want or create the experiences that bring you happiness. Most likely you're living up to some expectation or limitation due to your experiences with money. You know how to spend, but now it's time to build wealth by busting through your money blocks.

So how do you recognize a money block? You'll have to become aware of the negatives you catch yourself thinking, saying, or repeating. I know this can be a bit challenging because sometimes you aren't aware that you're being negative or what you’re thinking. But you'll have to become more aware & observant of your thoughts. 

Here are ten money blocks that are the most common amongst my clients:

1. Believing you can't have it all - Uncomfortable with receiving money.

2. Believing you have to settle- Free or discounted prices when you know they're worth more. There's someone already doing it, I can't make what she does, feeling like a fraud or unqualified.

4. Excuses- People won't pay my prices, my family doesn't support my business, I don't know how, or I have so many ideas.

5. Procrastination - Putting off making more money, not working towards the goals you set, or not working on your business.

6. Believing the worst- You're always waiting for the worst, so you never enjoy what you have, you can't make more or have more.

7. Surrounding yourself with negative people or those with a poverty mindset - They complain about money constantly and don't listen.

8. Believing you don't deserve money - Uncomfortable with extra money or spending when you get to a certain amount.

9. Believing you need to be perfect to be successful - Excessive spending or giving to others but not yourself.

10. Fear of success- You start gaining traction but the moment it gets good you stop or slow down. 

11. Fear of failure- You do a little or talk yourself out of things because you're scared to give it your all.

You might have read a couple of these and thought, that's me!!! Yup, these blocks have probably been ingrained in you since childhood or what you've experienced or witnessed others go through.

So now what? How do you get over money blocks?

Working on your money habits and mindset will be an ongoing skill that you'll work on forever. At each new income level, I've had to shift my perspective from nothing to survival, to a little bit saved, to investing, and now to overflow.

Blocks don't go away because you get more money, if anything, more blocks start to show up by sabotaging your goals before you even finish believing you can accomplish them. Blocks go away when you become intentional in changing your relationship with money.
